
Also / As well / Even / Either / Too (भी) - Conjunction

Also / As well / Even / Either / Too (भी) - Conjunction

Also / As well / Even / Either / Too (भी) - Conjunction

Generally, 'Also' , Too ' , ' As well ' are used in positive sentences .Either का प्रयोग उन नैगेटिव वाक्यों में किया जा सकता है जिनमें भी का भाव प्रस्तुत हो ।' Even ' is generally used in both ; positive as well as negative sentences . 

Note : Positive sentence simply means the sentence , in which 'not' is not used, even if it's am interrogative sentence . 

'Also' का प्रयोग सहायक क्रिया के बाद और क्रिया से पहले होता है ।( 'Also' is used after the helping verb and before the verb.)  Too , As well और Either का प्रयोग वाक्य के अन्त में होता है ।
( Too,As well & Either are used at the end of the sentence.)
 ' Even ' का प्रयोग वाक्य के शुरुआत में होता है । '
(Even is used at the beginning of the sentence)
 *  'Even ' का प्रयोग Interrogative sentences में नहीं होता ।
1 ) मैं भी अच्छा है । ( Positive Sentence )
I am good too
I am also good . 
I am good as well . 
Even I am good . 
2 ) मैं भी अच्छा नहीं हूँ । (Negative Sentence )
Even I am not good . 
I am not good either
3 ) क्या तुम भी वहाँ नहीं थे ? ( Negative Interrogative Sentence )
Were you not there either ?

( इस sentence में not है इसलिए मैं या तो even का प्रयोग कर सकता हूँ या फिर either का , पर हमें पता है कि ' Even ' का प्रयोग Interrogative sentences में नहीं होता इसलिए either का प्रयोग किया गया है । )

4 ) मैं भी फल पसन्द नहीं करता । ( Negative Sentence )
I do not like fruits either . 
 Even I don't like fruits . 
5 ) वे भी मेरे साथ नहीं है । ( Negative Sentence )
They are not with me either . 
/ Even they are not with me .