
Narration { Direct speech/ Indirect speech} -with Rules and examples

Narration { Direct speech/ Indirect speech} -with Rules and examples 

"In erammar Narration is a way of telling or giving an account of the speech of the speaker before others .

उपर्यक्त परिभाषा से स्पष्ट होता है कि किसी कथन को उसी रूप में कह देना या उसको बदलकर किसी अन्य रूप में कह देना ही Narration है I Narration का शाब्दिक अर्थ होता है ' वक्तव्य ' ( Speech ) | 

Kinds of the Narration 
Narration दो प्रकार के होते हैं 
  1. Direct ( form of ) Speech . 
  2. Indirect ( form of ) Speech . 
  1.  Direct Narration / Speech ( प्रत्यक्ष कथन ) : “ जब वक्ता के कथन को बिल्कुल उसी के शब्दों में व्यक्त किया जाता है , तो उसे Direct Narration / Speech कहा जाता है । "                                              Note : Direct Narration में वक्ता के कथन को Inverted Commas के भीतर रखा जाता है । 
  2. Indirect Narration / Speech ( अप्रत्यक्ष कथन ) : " वक्ता के कथन की  परिवर्तित प्रस्तुति को Indirect Narration / Speech कहते हैं । " 

Examples : 

Direct Narration / Speech                             
He said , " I am singing . "                              
You said to me , " Where do you live ? "        
He said , " lam busy today . "                    
 Indirect Narration / Speech 
 He said that he was singing .
You asked me where l lived .
He said that he was busy that day

Narration से सम्बंधित कुछ पारिभाषिक शब्द 

  1.  Reporting Speech : Direct Narration में Inverted Commas के बाहर रहनेवाले Clause को Reporting Speech कहा जाता है ; जैसे-  Ravi said , " Two and two is four . " उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में " Ravi said ' Reporting Speech है । 
  2. Reporting Subject : Direct Speech में Inverted Commas के बाहर रहनेवाले Clause के Subject को Reporting Subject कहते हैं ; जैसे - Ram said , " You are honest . " उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में ' Ram ' Reporting Subject है । 
  3. Reporting Verb : Direct Speech में Inverted Commas के बाहर रहनवाल Clause के Verb को , जो वक्ता के विषय में कुछ बताता है , Reporting Verb कहलाता है ; जैसे - Ravi said , “ You are ill . " उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में ' said ' Reporting Verb है । 
  4.  Reporting Object : Direct Speech में Inverted Commas के बाहर रहनेवाले Clause में प्रयुक्त Object को Reporting Object कहा जाता है ; जैसे She said to me , " I want to talk to you . " उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में ' me ' Reporting Object है । 
  5. Reported Speech : Direct Speech में Inverted Commas के अंदर रहनेवाले वाक्य को Reported Speech कहा जाता है ; जैसे - He said , " I help the poor . " उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में “ I help the poor " Reporned Speech है । 
  6. Verb of the Reported Speech : Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त Verb को Verb of the Reported Speech कहा जाता है ; जैसे The teacher said , " The earth revolves round the sun . " उपर्युक्त उदाहरण में ' revolves ' Verb of the Reported Speech है ।
अर्थ की दृष्टि से वाक्य के पाँचों भेदों ( Assertive , Interrogative , Imperative , Optative , Exclamatory ) को Direct से Indirect में बदला जाता है । इनको बदलने हेतु निम्नलिखित दो नियमों का पालन करना पड़ता है_

A . General Rules 
B . Special Rules . 
A . General Rules - 
Direct Speech को Indirect में बदलने के लिए कुछ ऐसे rules होते हैं , जो सभी प्रकार के Sentences में लागू होते हैं । ऐसे rules को General Rules कहा जाता है । ये rules निम्नलिखित तीन भागों में बाँटे गए हैं

1 . Change of Person . 2 . Change of Tense . 3 . Change of other Parts of Speech .

1 . Change of Person 

Direct Nartation म Inverted Commas के अंदर प्रयुक्त Pronouns को Indirect Narration में बदलते समय निम्नलिखित नियमों के आधार पर परिवर्तित किया जाता है 

1. First Person क Pronouns का Reportine Speech के Subicct के अनुसार बदला । जाता है । जैसे 
      D . S . - Radha says to me . " love Shyam . " 
       I . S . - Radha tells me that she loves Shyam .
2. Second Person के Pronouns को Reporting Speech के Object के अनुसार । बदला जाता है ; जैसे 
       D . S . - Dinesh says to me , " You artagood man . " 
      I . S . - Dinech tells me that I am agood man . 
3 . Third Person के Pronouns में परिवर्तन की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है । जैसे 
        D . S . - Vijay said to me , " She is honest . " 
        I . S . - Vijay told me that she was honest 

उपर्युक्त नियमों को संक्षेप में SON सूत्र से भी दर्शाया जाता है । 

S = The pronoun of the first person of the Reported Speech changes according to the Subject of the Reporting Speech . 
Rule ( 1 ) का उदाहरण इसका प्रमाण है । 

O = The pronoun of the second person of the Reported Speech changes according to the object of the Reporing Speech . 
Rule ( 2 ) का उदाहरण इसका प्रमाण है । 

N = ' N ' refers to ' no change ' in the pronoun of the third person of the Reported Speech 
Rule ( 3 ) का उदाहरण इसका प्रमाण है । 

देखें कुछ और उदाहरण -
Direct - - Raman said , " I shall do my work . " 
Indirect - Raman said that he would do his work . 
Direct - Sunita said , " I shall read my book . " 
Indirect - Sunita said that she would read her book . 
Direct - I said to the boys , " You should obey your parents ".
Indirect - - Itold the boys that they should obey their parents . 
Direct - The boys said to me , “ You were our friend and we were your friends . " 
Indirect - The boys told me thati was their friend and they were my friends . 
Direct - He said to me , " She has broken her pen . " 
Indirect - He told me that she had broken her pen . 
Direct - - Hari said to Shyam . " He has lost his bag . " 
Indirect - Hari told Shyam that he had lost his bag . 

Note 1. ( a ) : Reported Speech में वक्ता / श्रोता एवं मानव - समाज हेतु प्रयुक्त We का Person नहीं बदलता है ; जैसे --

Direct - I said to Hari ." We saw Raju singing in the classroom".
Indirect - I told Hari that we had seen Raju singing in the classroom .
Direct - The saint said to us ,“ We are mortal . "
Indirect - The saint told us that we are mortal .

( b ) Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त Editorial we ' य Noun of Multitude ( Government , Jury . Committee etc . ) हेतु प्रयुक्त 'we ' बदल जाता है | 'it'  में तथा ' our बदल जाता है ' its ' में ; जैसे -

Direct - The committee says , “ We are trying our best to give our members the latest development . '

Indirect - The committee says that it is trying its best to give its members the latest development .

Direct- The Hindustan Times says , " Our office reopens a day after tomorrow . "

Indirect - The Hindustan Times says that its office reopens a day after tomorrow .

Note ( ii ) : 
Change of Person में Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त होनेवाले Pronoun के Person में बदलाव होता है , न कि उसके Number या Case में । विद्यार्थियों की सुविधा के लिए नीचे Personal Pronouns के Forms तालिकाबद्ध किये जा रहे है_

CaseFirst person
possessiveMY, MINEOUR ,OURS

CASESecond person
possessiveYOUR , YOURS

CaseThird person

2 . Change of Tense 

Change of Tense के अन्तर्गत निम्नलिखित नियमों का पालन करना चाहिए _

Rule 1 . यदि Reporting Verb Present य Future Tense में हो , तो Reported Speech के Verb का Tense अपरिवर्तित रहता है । जैसे_

The teacher says , " It will rain today . " ( Direct Speech )
The teacher says that it will rain that day . ( Indirect Speech )
Ravi will say , " Nobody was in the classroom . " ( Direct Speech )
Ravi will say that nobody was in the classroom . ( Indirect Speech ) 

Rule 2 . यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense में हो , तो Reported Speech का Verb भी Past Tense में निम्नलिखित तरीके से बदल जाता है_

 ( a ) Simple Present बदलता है Simple Past Tense में ; जैसे _

The teacher said , " Ramesh works hard . " ( Direct Speech )
The teacher said that Ramesh worked hard . ( Indirect Speech )
The Captain said , “ Rajan plays very well . " ( Direct Speech )
The Captain said that Rajan played very well . ( Indirect Speech )

( b ) Present Continuous बदलता है Past Continuous Tense में ; जैसे_

 Ali said , " lam writing a letter . " ( Direct Speech )
Ali said that he was writing a letter . ( Indirect Speech )
The teacher said , " The boys are playing cricket . " ( Direct Speech )
The teacher said that the boys were playing cricket . ( Indirect Speech )

( c ) Present Perfect बदलता है Past Perfect Tense में ; जैसे_

 Sonu said , " Nitu has done her work . " ( Direct Speech ) 
Sonu said that Nitu had done her work . ( Indirect Speech )
She said , " Ravi has written a letter . " ( Direct Speech ) 
She said that Ravi had written a letter . ( Indirect Speech ) 

( d ) Present Perfect Continuous बदलता है Past Perfect Continuous Tense में : जैसे_

He said , " Hari has been playing since 90 ' clock . " ( Direct Speech )
He said that Hari had been playing since 9 o ' clock . ( Indirect Speech )

My mother said , " The boy has been suffering from fever for five days . " ( Direct Speech )

My mother said that the boy had been suffering from fever for five days . ( Indirect Speech )

( e ) Simple Past बदलता है Past Perfect Tense में : जैसे - 

Samir said , " I worked hard toget success . " ( Direct Speech ) 
Samir said that he had worked hard to get success . ( indirect Speech )

The teacher said , " I wrote a book . . " ( Direct Speech )
The teacher said that he had written a book ( Indirect Speech )

( f ) Past Continuous बदलता है Past Perfect Continuous Tense में ; जैसे_

 Amit said , " I was going to market . " ( Direct Speech )
Amit said that he had been going to market . ( Indirect Speech ) 
Arun said , " I was writing a letter . " ( Direct Speech )
Arun said that he had been writing a letter . ( Indirect Speech )

Note : नीचे Rule III की तालिका दी जा रही है , जिससे विद्यार्थियों को समझने में सुविधा होगी_

Exception : यदि Reporting Verb Past Tense में हो और Reported Speech में सार्वभौमिक सत्य ( Universal Truths ) , आदतन सत्य ( Habitual Facts ) , ऐतिहासिक सत्य ( Historical Facts ) तथा कहावत ( Proverbs ) हों , जो सामान्यत : Simple Present में होते हैं , तो Indirect Speech में उनके Verb के Tense में परिवर्तन नहीं होता है ; जैसे _

The teacher said , " The earth revolves round the sun . ” ( Direct Speech )
The teacher said that the earth revolves round the sun . ( Indirect Speech ) 
The hermit said , " Man is mortal . " . ( Direct Speech )
The hermit said that man is mortal . ( Indirect Speech )

Rule 3 . यदि Reported Speech के मुख्य क्रिया के साथ ' would ' , ' could ' , ' should ' , ' might ' , ' ought to ' या let ' का प्रयोग हो , तो Indirect Speech का Tense नहीं बदलता है ; जैसे_

D . S . - Mohan said , " I should go there . "
I . S . - Mohan said that he should go there .

D . S . - Isaid , " I could not do the work . "
I . S . - Isaid that I could not do the work .

D . S . - The teacher said , “ You ought to obey your parents .
I . S . - The teacher said that you ought to obey your parents .

D . S . - Ram said to me . " Might l go now ? "
I . S . - Ram asked me if he might go then .

D . S . - Aman said , " Ler me do this work . "
I . S . - Aman requested that he might be allowed to do that work .

Rule 4 . यदि Reported Speech को report करनेवाले व्यक्ति को आभास हो कि Reported Speech में वर्णित स्थिति में कोई Change नहीं आया है , तब भी Reported Speech का Tense नहीं बदलता है ; जैसे_

D . S . - Ram said , " l joined this college because it is famous for its scientific studies . "

I . S . - Ram said that he had joined this college because it is famous for its scientific studies .

D . S . - He said to Mohan , " Hari touched the feet of his parents every morning . "

I . S . He told Mohan that Hari touched the feet of his parents every morning .

Rule 5 . Imaginary या Improbable Condition वाले Past Tense का Tense नहीं बदलता है ; जैसे _

D . S . - She said , " If my children were older , I would take up ajob . "

I . S . - She said that if her children were older , she would take upa job .

3 . Change of other Parts of Speech 

Reporting Verb के Past Tense में रहने पर Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त निकटतासूचक Adjective , Verb अथवा Adverb को भी दूरीसूचक शब्दों में बदल दिया जाता है ; जैसे_

Examples : 
  Direct Speech   
He said , " I am happy now .”
Rahim said , " I will come here . "
Anit said , "I am glad to be here this morning".
She said , " I shall come tomorrow . "

  Indirect Speech    
He said that he was happy then .  
Rahim said that he would go there. 
Amit said that he was glad to be there that morning .  
She said that she would go the next day . 

Note l . :  यदि Reported Speech में ' This ' , ' Here ' , ' Now ' शब्दों के प्रयोग हों और इनसे किसी चीज , स्थान या समय का बोध वक्ता की उपस्थिति में उसकी भाषा के क्रम में करावे , तो Reported Speech को Indirect बनाने में इनमें परिवर्तन नहीं होता ; जैसे _

Ramesh said , " This is my pen . " ( Direct Speech ) 
Ramesh said that this was his pen . ( Indirect Speech )
Sohan said , " I will do it now . " ( Direct Speech )
Sohan said that he would do it now . ( Indirect Speech )

Note II . : Direct Speech में Reporting Verb के बाद Object न रहने की स्थिति में Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त Subject के भावानुसार उचित Personal Pronoun in Objective Case form को सुविधानुसार Object के रूप में रखकर Indirect Speech में बदलना चाहिए ; जैसे _

The teacher said , " You are a fool . "  ( Direct Speech )
The teacher told me that I was a fool . ( Indirect Speech ) 
or . The teacher told him that he was a fool . ( Indirect Speech )

Note III . : Reported Speech वाक्य के प्रारंभ में भी रह सकता है या Reporting Verb के बाद में या Reporting Verb के दोनों तरफ ; जैसे_

 ( a ) have done my work " , he said .
( b ) Ram said , " Tamill . "
( c ) am ready to co - operate you " Nisha said to me , " because you are my friend . "

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