
Letter from a son to father, giving reasons for not getting married soon

Letter from a son to father, giving reasons for not getting married soon

Letter from a son to father, giving reasons for not getting married soon
101-E, Harinagar Colony

New Delhi
September 23, 20XX
My dear father
Received your letter day before yesterday. I am glad to know that Mom has recovered completely from fever. It is clear that you want to free yourself from the responsibility of getting me married. But, if I am not misunderstood, I must say that I don't want to get married right now.
I've just got a job and I'm also preparing for MBA. Getting married at this stage will not only ruin my career but will not be good for the bride as I'll not be in a position to devote time to the new relationship.
I am not against marriage and I know whichever girl you will select for me will be the best, but getting married at this stage will be a very wrong decision. Please understand my position and give me one more year to shape my career.
Moreover, I need sufficient money to maintain a happy life. You have already spent a lot of money on my education and I would not like to put more burden on you.
I am sure you will agree with me. Excuse me for explaining my situation so plainly and frankly.
Convey my regards to Mom and love to Chunnu.
Your affectionate son

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suraj said…
even this is very nice. Letter from a son to father, giving reasons for not getting married soon